Luna Malia Azzouni
Luna is a multimedia specialist, communicating ideas and stories through zines (diy mini-magazines), digital illustration, paint, and more. She is best known for her vibrant graphics and illustrations that explore the wonderful community of flora and fauna that surround us. Through her artwork, she hopes to create joyful ways to learn about the science and cultural significance behind bees, trees, birds, and more! She believes that if we take the time to learn more about others, we gain a sense of stewardship and develop our relationship with the land that cares for and sustains us. Thanks to her mom, she’s been drawing since she could hold a pencil and learning about the natural world for as long as she can remember. While studying at Bates Technical College she learned about the principles of composition, the production process, and how to use the Adobe Suite. She is grateful to be able to combine her childhood passions and her technical skill into her career.